T-Cut Final Glaze 500ml
T-Cut Final Glaze 500ml
T-Cut Final Glaze is a unique blend of polymers and silicones which bond to the vehicles surface, sealing in all your hard work! The advanced formula will create a durable shield that enhances depth of colour and shine, lasting up to 1 year. Just spray and wipe, and watch dirt simply rinse away the next time you clean your vehicle. Suitable for use on all surfaces including paintwork, glass, bumpers, trim and chrome.
Directions: We recommend using 2 quality microfibre cloths, 1 cloth to apply and 1 cloth to buff. 1) Wash car with a good quality shampoo and dry thoroughly, paying close attention to rubber seals, wing mirrors, door and boot shuts. 2) Shake bottle well. 3) Spray sparingly onto one panel at a time and wipe with the first microfibre cloth, using circular motions. 4) Use the second microfibre cloth to buff and wipe away any excess.
Note: A small amount of water left on the car may cause smearing. Do not overapply as this will have a detrimental effect on the finish. Do not use in hot conditions or direct sunlight. Do not use on matt or special effect paintwork. Store in an upright position and secure when transported. Not recommended for use on windscreens.
Supplementary Information.
- Creates a durable shield that repels dirt and grime
- Provides long-lasting protection for up to 12 months
- Enhances depth of colour and shine
- Simply spray and wipe for stunning results
- Suitable for all surfaces including paintwork, glass, bumpers, trim and chrome
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Technical Details
Brand | T-Cut |
Height mm | 245 |
Length mm | 99 |
Width mm | 56 |
Weight kg | 245 |
Barcode | 5010373245880 |
Country of Origin | UK |
Commodity Code | 34059090 |
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